Palliative Care Center

Palliative Care Center is outfitted with 120 beds that are specifically designed to alleviate patients’ sufferings and improve their quality of life, making the center the largest provider of supportive care in southern part of China. In close proximity to Sun Yen-sat Cancer Center Huangpu Division, the center can launch a speedy expert consultation. Moreover, patients and their families can stay focused on treatment because suites complete with detached guest room in inpatient department ranging from 30 to 600 square meters satisfy all needs during patient’s stay.
Our medical team in Palliative Care Center gathers domestic top Family Support Specialist(FSS), refractory cancer pain specialist, senior oncology nurse, oncology nutritionist, traditional therapists and other multidisciplinary experts. They work together to ease pain, control lymphedema, offer professional nutritional support, provide Traditional Chinese Medicine nourishing and therapy and family support therapy. Here, tumor-derived complaint like pain from osseous metastases, pain from nerve compression, myelosuppression after chemotherapy or radiotherapy, amnesia and fatigue, dyspnea,lymphedema, nausea and vomiting, difficult defecation, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction(PFD) and psychalgia can be brought under control.
“More soothing, more decent, more quality-oriented” is the core value of Palliative Care Center
Our medical staff will join patients and their families to combat diseases and conditions
Patients and all their family members will get physical and psychological support from every medical staff throughout their stay with us.
Patients get access to better quality of life and develop a relatively good state of mind to combat disease. “Coziness, Dignity and High Quality” Ease cancerous pain, vomiting, malnutrition, fatigue and weakness Professional palliative treatment and care provided in whole “Green passage” to domestic top oncologists
Improve life quality of tumor patients and their families in all aspects
Ease and eliminate tumor bone metastasis pain, pinched nerve syndromes, myelosuppression caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, anemia and fatigue, breathing difficulties, lymphedema, nausea and vomiting, difficult defecation, pelvic floor dysfunction, and neurological pain.
A team made up of domestic top family support specialist, refractory cancer pain specialist, senior oncology nurse, oncology nutritionists and physical therapists specializing in TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) will contribute to cancer treatment. Here at Palliative Care Center:
Enjoy the comforts of home. Say goodbye to physical trouble coming along with the tumor with our team effort.
Make cancer care and treatment more convenient and personalized
We make sure you have all the support and equipment you need at home and you can talk to domestic top oncologists whenever you want.

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-Expert Team of Palliative Care Center-
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