Treating Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast + Multiple Lymph Node Metastases with Cryoablation

Not treating breast tumors results in them growing larger over time!
This 55-year-old lady from Nantong, Jiangsu, began experiencing breast swelling and pain in May 2021. A firm lump the size of a peanut was palpable in her breast. An ultrasound at the local maternal and child health hospital revealed breast nodules. She then went to a hospital in Shanghai for further examination. Based on pathological biopsy and immunohistochemistry, the diagnosis leaned towards invasive ductal carcinoma, and surgery was recommended by the doctors. However, this lady believed in alternative treatments and insisted on self-medicating and massaging at home, along with a self-imposed dietary restriction, which led to a significant increase in the size of the breast lump, redness, pain, and the development of pain in the left upper arm. She also had multiple lymph node metastases in both axillae! Fortunately, she was introduced to our hospital by a fellow patient for standardized diagnosis and treatment. Currently, after cryoablation therapy, the tumor tissue has largely necrotized, and her condition is under control.




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