Yu, presented with a thrombosis at the site of the left-side infusion port from a previous hospital, which required the removal of the infusion port. An attempt to insert a left-sided peripheral venous PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) was unsuccessful. In addition, there were vascular abnormalities following a right breast cancer surgery. A PICC line was successfully inserted on the right side today. Using ultrasound guidance, the vessel was punctured, the PICC line was inserted, and its head end was found to be folded within the brachial vein. Subsequently, a DSA angiography was performed, revealing a tortuous abnormality at the junction of the cephalic vein into the axillary vein. Under the guidance of a micro-guidewire, it was passed through the side hole of the PICC, guiding it into the superior vena cava. This was one of the most challenging PICC surgeries.